Sunday 6 March 2016

Microsoft Saves Itself $8 Billion

News late Friday that Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) about acquiring a clearance had thought messaging (Private: SLACK) by $ 8 billion. We esta have a huge capital loss and absolutely terrible decision for the company. It seems that the company has made the right decision, avoiding the purchase Slack, especially for that amount of money.

Slack is similar to Skype or any other person-to-person messaging, but focuses on providing tools for the company. For example, it offers to share documents in the cloud, discussion and collaboration in a simple messaging. Take the best applications and social media features through several tests to do what many other companies are working to make; the use of cloud computing to create working efficiency.

Microsoft has the option to start again if they wanted to enter the market esta, or trying to create services that already have such as Skype. In addition, Microsoft has already acquired Yammer enterprise messaging system in 2012.
There are two other products that can compare Slack What for - WhatsApp for messaging from person to person, and Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) to work, to create the work efficiency of the company.

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